Can Sclerotherapy Get Rid of My Ugly Veins?

The beautiful, sunny weather in Kendall, Florida, makes it feel like summer year-round. This means that wearing summer dresses, shorts, and swim suits is a must during all four seasons. But if you’re part of the 30-60% of adults living with spider veins, you might think twice about showing your legs.
Dadeland Dermatology provides sclerotherapy for men and women to eliminate embarrassing veins and get beautiful, even-toned skin again.
Causes of spider veins
Spider veins, as the name suggests, are small, twisting veins that are red, purple, and blue. They can easily be seen through your skin and are commonly found on the face or back of the legs. While spider veins aren’t usually harmful, many people wish to address them for cosmetic concerns.
Spider veins occur when blood collects in the veins near the skin’s surface. Some causes of spider veins include:
- Occupation, particularly ones that involve standing
- Family history
- Obesity
- Birth control pills
- Pregnancy
Women are more likely to develop spider veins than men because they produce more of the hormone progesterone, which causes the veins to dilate.
Sclerotherapy — a safe, vein-erasing treatment
Smooth, even-toned skin is a sign of youth and vitality. If you’re embarrassed by your spider veins, sclerotherapy is a safe and minimally invasive way to erase them. But how does it work?
During your treatment, David Rodriguez, MD injects a saline solution directly into your spider veins. The solution acts as an irritant to blood vessels and causes them to swell before eventually shrinking. Over the next three to six weeks, the veins disappear, and your body flushes out the debris through the lymphatic system.
Does it hurt?
Sclerotherapy involves a series of injections to treat those pesky spider veins. Because of this, it isn’t a completely pain-free treatment. However, the needle used is very tiny, and most patients tolerate the procedure very well. Each leg should take about 20 minutes to treat, so the procedure will be over before you know it.
One of the best parts of sclerotherapy is that it requires no downtime. That means you can return to work immediately following your procedure.
Studies suggest that sclerotherapy is effective in treating 60-80% of veins. After your sclerotherapy session, you might notice that your legs are red and starting to swell. Some people notice light bruising around the area of injection. These side effects are completely normal and generally go away in a couple of days.
Dr. Rodriguez advises patients to wear compression stockings for 1-2 weeks following sclerotherapy. Make sure to stay active and walk, and avoid long periods of sitting or standing. Don’t engage in high-intensity exercise for a week following your procedure.
Do not apply heat to your legs — this includes hot baths and sunbathing — for one week. Drink plenty of water for the first 2-3 days after treatment, and avoid any foods that are high in salt. Take Tylenol as needed If you’re experiencing any discomfort.
You don’t have to live with spider veins forever. Call 305-250-2056 to schedule your sclerotherapy consultation or book online today.
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